stamp of approval
- (正式)认可;批准;核准;同意的盖章

The project has the government 's stamp of approval .
Last November the commission gave its stamp of approval to the deal .
Ms Tarquini said : " If our films have a female director , a female lead who is not simply there to support the male lead , or are specifically about women then they will receive an F-Rated stamp of approval . "
Could I get your stamp of approval on this project ?
Figurative the project has the government 's stamp of approval .
Fortune 's golden stamp of approval , of course .
Watson gave this novel their stamp of approval , so you know it must be good .
AWS certification is industry 's most respected stamp of approval .
When your routine is finished , your " stamp of approval " period starts .
Leaders give their stamp of approval and generally , lawmakers have to ratify everything .
Conan Doyle gave it his official stamp of approval .
Can we get your stamp of approval on our steadicam shot ?
After a fierce debate , the corporate decision panel finally gives the database-housing solution a stamp of approval .
Even if Twitter were to try to cooperate with the Chinese government , it would be unlikely to get a stamp of approval .
They are on hand to offer a stamp of approval or , in difficult times , more substantial help for Western companies feeling the pinch .
Donald Trump is putting his stamp of approval , but not his name , on a new crowdfunding platform that is scheduled to launch tomorrow .
The pizza in Naples has a " DOP8 " stamp of approval from the Italian government to authenticate it .
I want you to know that while your opinions will be valuable to me , I will try my hardest not to exchange my personal identity for your stamp of approval .
The PMI offers the PMP stamp of approval so that organizations who hire these professionals can be assured that the individual understands the PMBOK .
Pizza not exotic enough for you ? The pizza in Naples has a " DOP8 " stamp of approval from the Italian government to authenticate it .
With 300,000 Chinese tourists expected to visit Spain this year and a million by the end of the decade , hotels are rushing to adapt in order to receive a Chinese-friendly stamp of approval .
China 's own satellite navigation system has won a stamp of approval from an international maritime body , an important step toward its goal of global acceptance for its answer to the United States " Global Positioning System ( GPS ) .
If your architecture has all five of those characteristics-it 's modular , distributable , describable , sharable and loosely coupled-you get the SOA stamp of approval .
With 300000 Chinese tourists expected to visit Spain this year and a million by the end of the decade , hotels are rushing to adapt in order to receive a " Chinese-friendly " stamp of approval .
But the US Patent & Trademark office has told the blonde beauty that she very soon must prove she is indeed Mrs Bieber before they will put their stamp of approval on her paperwork , according to The Blast .
However , in addition to evidence of skills and experience , a CV showing a period of volunteering or community service gives recruiters confidence that a candidate has received the stamp of approval from organisations that have their own demanding recruitment processes .